by Jeff Klingenberg
What is holding Christians back from claiming every privilege that comes with belonging to God?
The Real You Fully Alive isn’t a typical identity-in-Christ book. Jeff Klingenberg boldly addresses the limited understanding that traps frustrated Christians in a stagnant or beleaguered existence. As a child of God, you are destined for a life of abundance and blessing that will never end, but you have to know how to choose it!
by Joseph Davis
In Letters from Heaven, Joseph Davis breaks down the symbolism and apparent complexity of Revelation into 51 edible bites. This approachable and enriching, passage-by-passage exploration of John’s Revelation is the perfect companion to a personal devotion or study. There is a chapter for every week of the year, focused on deepening your understanding of this book.
by Estreanda Yates
Life has a way of keeping you busy, usually with good things that prevent you from ever getting to the better things that God has waiting for you. If you’ve been wondering whether there’s more, and hoping to reignite the passion you have unintentionally traded for the comfortable and familiar, this book has a message of hope, encouragement, and challenge for you.
by Wesley Livingston
This interactive workbook accompanies Verse By Verse Ministry International’s in-depth video course on the book of Jude taught by Pastor Wesley Livingston. The Jude workbook, suitable for individual study and group discussion, will guide participants on their systematic, verse-by-verse journey through an often overlooked and frequently underestimated book of Scripture.
Jude’s concise but potent epistle empowers us to remain aware of the deceptive inward workings of ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing.
by John Ramsey
We have all heard about the discouraging trends in marriage and divorce, but it seems we don’t take time to assess the root problems or seek solutions. Society tells us we must have “happiness” at all costs, and the “if it feels good, do it” mentality is ingrained in our moral conduct. But God shows us a different way in His word.
If we would simply take the time to read God’s word, and take to heart what He has shown us, the statistics would not be what they are. There would not be so much trauma and unhappiness in our relationships, and society would be much better off than it is today. Don’t be dismayed!You have the opportunity to move your marriage into what God wants rather than what the world tells you.
by Wesley Livingston
Although written primarily to a young pastor in his role of shepherding, Paul’s pastoral epistle to Titus speaks to the urgent need of churches to live out the gospel truth they know, love, and believe. The book of Titus encourages believers to live well, to the glory of God, through their godly beliefs and behaviors. It also highlights the importance of diligently correcting and combating false teaching and rebellious behaviors of believers within the body of Christ.
This interactive workbook accompanies Verse By Verse Ministry International’s in-depth video course on the book of Titus, taught by Pastor Wesley Livingston, principal teacher of VBVMI. The course focuses on understanding the Bible in its historical and cultural context, making connections to passages throughout the Bible, and identifying key principles and applications for believers today.
by Randy Adkins
Too many of us are living like actors. Actors work within someone else’s purpose. A good actor follows the direction of the director, and the director works to bring the movie to reality for the producer. Becoming the best actor is good, but you were born to be more than an actor: you were made to produce.
Producers take a movie from an idea to a real work of art that has the power to transform the world. Whether you realize it or not, your very existence is producing something at all times. Imagine how much more you could accomplish if you were intentional with this potential! It’s time for you to Produce on Purpose and experience a life full of joy, peace, fulfillment, and fruitfulness, to the glory of God.
by Howard Earle
Are the ups and downs of life bringing you to your breaking point?
No one’s circumstances stay the same throughout our lives. We’re all on our way toward a destiny, or destination. A promise and a specially planned-by-God experience is waiting for us all. There is a place where God wants you to be, other than the place you find yourself now, and He is meticulously moving you toward that new place.
God’s ways are not our ways. He refuses to acquiesce to any cultural norms or pressures, and He goes to great lengths to make it clear that He’s in total control. Though it may be difficult to see and believe in the moment, trust that God Has a Way of allowing life to fall apart so He can show us who really holds things together.
by Jerome Gay
We all have the ability to cause church hurt, whether intentional or not. This kind of hurt is a pain that distances sufferers from their communities and from God. It’s a scheme of the enemy designed to divide and destroy the church when not handled with Scripture and addressed in love. Once you know what it is, you can determine the best way to move toward healing.
We tend to blame Jesus, instead of people, for church hurt. Yet, no one has more church hurt than Jesus—but He still loves the church! We’re supposed to be a part of someone’s healing process, not the hurting process. With the gospel, the person who causes the hurt can be part of the healing. With Jesus, we can redeem the hurt. Take comfort in the promises of God and overcome the reality of Church Hurt.
by Dr. Joseph Davis
Does your life feel like a constant struggle with God? Like you are always swimming against the tide?
If you find it hard to swim in the stormy sea of life, and you just can’t understand why it’s so difficult, perhaps—like for Jonah—it’s your willful, selective obedience. Together, we will look at Jonah’s story from historical, spiritual, and personal perspectives. We will learn about the hard lessons Jonah experienced regarding grace, judgment, and repentance. Begin your Swimming Lessons today, knowing they’re all included as part of God’s grace!
by Brent Saathoff.
Do you have deep-seated issues you can’t seem to overcome no matter how hard you try?
The truth is, we all do.
The good news is that Jesus is with us to help us transform from the inside out.
Religious practices alone can’t change our core issues. They simply mask toxic emotions and dysfunctional behavioral patterns, never getting to the root causes of our pain. Core issues will continue to get the best of us unless we take them seriously.
by Verse by Verse Ministry International.
The concluding book of the New Testament can seem daunting: it’s complex, full of unfamiliar imagery and numerous allusions to the rest of the Bible. What does the Bible actually say about this book, if we rely on common-sense interpretation of the plain sense of Scripture?
This extensive workbook accompanies Verse By Verse Ministry International’s in-depth video course on the book of Revelation and the end times.
by Jason Hanash.
Too many people today are confused about masculinity and manhood.
Our culture has reframed identity and gender, including masculinity, to the point that even believers have a tough time comprehending what it means to be a man, especially a man following Jesus.
For the sake of our spouses and children, our spiritual families, our communities, and our souls, we need to rediscover what it means, biblically, to man up.
by Mike Signorelli.
Have you reached the point of no return in your walk with Christ?
Culture so easily distracts us from stepping into a life of fullness through Christ.
The number of voices in our lives has increased, and so has the chaos.
There is a fickleness so prevalent in our aimless culture that it infiltrates our hearts and keeps us from pursuing Jesus to the point of no return.
It’s time to go all-in for Jesus.
by Van Fielden.
Horses help humans in many ways.
But, how can a horse, who can’t read or understand the Gospels, and who doesn’t have the words to explain a relationship with God, help anyone follow Jesus?
Horses were designed to make great partners with humans.
This approachable, personable book articulates deep spiritual truths, asks challenging questions, and provides practical insights about following Jesus, all from a unique perspective.
by Pastor Andre Mitchell.
You know that God loves you, but you sure don’t feel Him right now. You know that Jesus paid the price for your sins, but yielding to temptation seems like a much better idea than fighting yet another losing battle.
BUT God is looking for people who, despite their problems, are still determined to find a way to give Him praise and adoration. You can Worship Victoriously in all seasons and all situations for the glory of God.
by Cindy Hatcher.
Many of us grow up feeling like we don’t fit anywhere. When we are younger, we don’t have a confident sense of who we are, so we bend and mold to the crowd around us. Yet we oftentimes continue that pattern well into adulthood.
It doesn’t have to be this way! With some maturing, intentional education, and practice, you can become your best self and embrace your God-given gift.
by Aubrey Jackson.
Despite all the discouraging things happening in our world today, the way of the righteous gets brighter and brighter, and never darker—even as the end draws near.
Many people struggle to stay true to God in the current cultural climate because they naturally desire to be liked.
Yet when you live in a nation that hates the things of God, it puts you in a dilemma.
We live in uncertain times, and we must keep our eyes on our Savior so we are not deceived. Don’t be caught off guard by sudden destruction!
by Ed Kendrick.
Scandal…There's nothing like a good one. Social media erupts with viral fervor the moment one arises. Media outlets fight to be the first to cover it and gain exclusive rights to the juicy details. And if it is lucky enough to travel on the tantalizing tongues of tale-tellers, it can last lifetimes.
Can a life be lived in infamy without reproach? How can you be famous without being shameless? Is it possible to be remembered and revered?
We call it Living Scandalously.
by Donnie Smith.
The Bible is not as complicated as it seems!
In this concise yet informative book, you’ll learn:
How to discover glimpses of Jesus throughout the entire Bible
The real problem with Adam and Eve—and all of humanity
The difference between Christianity and other religions
How the Bible is arranged and why it matters
What it means to be ready for Christ’s return
by Marvin Jennings.
Many believers begin their walk with Christ with big dreams and God-given desires. But as confusing setbacks and unexpected hardships arise, the temptation grows to cast aside God’s best plans in exchange for safety, convenience, and comfort. Then they miss out on the true greatness and blessing God intends for each of His children when they choose to go all-in and lean on Him.
by Terrance Bridges and Shonda Golden.
We can’t exist in this world without encountering relationships of various types. They are not the ultimate purpose of life, but they can be part of your journey and the growth you experience along the way. Unfortunately, too many of us have received relationship advice that didn’t address enough of the real issues we encounter as we navigate this area of life.
If you are ready to let go of toxic relationship patterns, then Reset and ground yourself in the biblical principles and practices that are the foundation for true intimacy.
by Jonathan Leonardo.
“Do you know that you are destined for freedom? Do you know that a life of righteousness, joy, and peace is your inheritance?"
The gospel is the unveiling of what God has accomplished through Jesus. His death, resurrection, and ascension are the surety of our freedom! When we live our lives according to what He has done—as opposed to what we have to do—our lives become a testament of His power and grace.
by Ronnie Cotton.
How can a believer who has read all the books, heard all the sermons, and done all the ministry still fall woefully short in mature Christlikeness?
Just as little children need parents who model correct attitudes and actions for them, every believer needs a spiritual parent to be a living example of what it means to follow Jesus. There are no shortcuts or substitutes for personal relationship in the modern church—for genuine life-to-life discipleship, without which a church’s ministries and testimonies will crumble.
by Tim Ingram.
Today’s idolatry takes on many complicated forms, which we must acknowledge honestly, and turn from, if we want to recognize the greatness and wonder of the One True God.
God wants you to truly, intimately know Him. To connect with the real God, you have to let go of the twisted illusions in which you have unknowingly put your hope. Prioritize your relationship with God and discover the One who is Greater Than anything this world has to offer!
by Aaron Taylor.
Jesus loves you unconditionally! Do you love Him the way He loves you?
Perhaps you want that to be true, but you doubt that it is.
You may want to know how to love Jesus, yet are unsure if you have the capacity or ability to truly love the way Jesus loves you.
No matter how inadequate or unworthy you feel, God is inviting you to partake of His unending reservoir of love.
by Robert Waterman.
There’s no denying the fact that COVID-19 has changed everything.
In fact, the post-COVID-19 landscape is a place where you have to look for creative ways to break through new obstacles to sharing your information, art, or product with the world.
Whatever challenges stand in your way, if God is still at the center of your vision, your life will turn out more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
by Mark Casto.
Men and women, young and old, do everything within their power to achieve fame, independence, and self-sufficiency—all of which is celebrated in our post-modern society.
Yet when we, in the strength of man, try to build something in opposition to God’s original intent, it is destined for ruin.
There is a new pace, untethered from time and the opinions of man, for hearing a new sound of divine romance in the “rhythm of the realm of rest.”
by Joseph Davis.
We often see the heroes in the Bible as special people with superior character or spirituality. Yet the reality is that most of these people were just as dysfunctional and flawed as any of us. You would be hard-pressed to find a family with deeper dysfunction than Joseph’s family! Through these severely dysfunctional people, God tells a story of grace, mercy and redemption that can encourage, inspire, and comfort even the most dysfunctional among us.
by LaMarcus A. Keys
Love Walk examines what real love looks like and how to walk it out every day.
Because it is not about being good only to the people who look like us, talk like us, and believe like us—simply loving the people we already like. It’s about loving when we don’t feel like it, even when the person in front of us is our enemy.
by Ronald Hardy Sr.
The path of grief is a process and comes with twists and turns. As with any process, there are choices to make along the way, and you can choose between moving forward intentionally or being swallowed by doubt and fear.
On April 6, 2020, Bishop Hardy’s wife of thirty-eight years, Prophetess Robbin Eames Hardy, went to be with the Lord. He experienced first-hand the hope that comes to those who trust in God through sorrowful loss.
He wants to share his grief experience because he knows that countless others are going through the same thing.
by Dr. Willie Bell Sublet Jr.
We have an identity crisis in the body of Christ. God has called us to be the salt of the earth, but if we haven’t been packed down and preserved by the Word of God ourselves, how can we expect to influence the world around us? Instead, we choose to associate with people and lifestyles that slowly and subtly lead us away from Christ. God is calling us to identify ourselves with Christ and maintain our connection to Him.
He is calling you to Be the Salt—to preserve the world with the Word of God lived out in your life.
by Jeff Simmons
In Eyes of Jesus, Pastor Jeff explores how Psalm 23 provides comfort for those who trust in God, including:
by Dan McClure
There is no exact science for tackling chronic disease. There is, however, an opportunity for you to learn the deeper truths this journey will force you to dig up. It’s time to start digging so you can discover the Hidden Treasures along your path.
by Joe Dickinson
If you don’t know why things in your life keep falling apart, if you’re starting to doubt whether or not God really is good, or if you’re thinking about walking away from your faith, this book was written for you. Enroll in The School of Patience and let your challenging circumstances reveal to you, again and again, that God is who He says He is—and will use this hardship for good.
by Nancy McCready
Nancy McCready’s powerful story reveals the deepest trauma we carry is our separation from God, and none of our wounds can truly be healed until we are reconciled and dependent on God.
by Lee Wilson
If you are part of today’s younger generations, you are in a season of life that can be frustrating, confusing, and disorienting. There doesn’t seems to be a clear map, even though you’re trying to figure out who you’re going to be and where you’re going — for the rest of your life.
What you really need in this season is a map and a guide: a clear path with someone to point you in the right direction. Map Your Life is designed to be that road map. It’s designed as an easy-to-follow guide to get you from “here” to “there,” in whatever area of life you desire, but especially in the area of discovering your God-given purpose.
by Jerry Harmon
In Christ, you already have victory, power, and an unshakable inheritance. Living and Leading by Faith will show you how God’s power overcomes sins and obstacles to help you experience fully what He intends for your life!
by French Harmon
God’s Ordinary Giants will challenge you to become a force for God’s kingdom in this generation—and impact those who will come after you! Get ready to learn more about the heroes of the faith and how you too can become a “spiritual giant.”
by Dr. Tom Kinnan
The men and women in the Bible who God called to do the unusual were ordinary, uncertain believers—but they were ultimately willing to listen and obey. When God Speaks brings their stories to life with wisdom and practical application for all who seek to follow God.
by Ryan Brooks
Imagine the impact your life will have when you walk fully in your God-given identity and purpose. God reconciled you to Himself so you could point others toward Him in turn. Begin reading I Am Called today, and wake up to your ultimate responsibility—helping restore others’ relationships with God through Jesus Christ!
by Dr. Tom Kinnan
Through four decades of ministry, Dr. Tom Kinnan has firsthand experience of the immeasurably more God offers every believer. Pick up a copy of There is More to Life if you feel like you’re missing something in this life, and it will help you tap into the Immeasurably More of a relationship with Christ and His church!
by Tim Hatch
Change can leave you breathless with anticipation or doubled over with dread, but refusing to move at all results in missing the growth, opportunities, and joy that God desires to give you. If you are facing the unexpected, sensing God’s leading toward a new opportunity, or wondering how to break out of spiritual stagnation, Move! will help you discover His loving plan and purpose for you during this season of change.
by Doug Robins
Most people recognize the challenges of trauma, depression, and anxiety, and some are willing to explore what the Bible says about finding hope and healing from these dark forces. No matter where you are in your faith or the trials you’ve endured, I Am Not Defeated is sure to arm you with the tools you need to begin your healing journey.
by Matt Rosenberg
When Jesus, known to His people as Yeshua, came on the scene in first-century Israel, His hearers weren’t surprised by His message, but by His authority. Jewish and Gentile believers alike will glean deeper understanding from Jesus Never Said Anything New, as Rabbi Rosenberg builds the case for why the Jewishness of Jesus is as relevant for Christians and Jews today as it was two thousand years ago.
by David Rutherford
Read The G.I. Joe of Genesis and you will experience a powerful, personal look into what it means to be a hero—making the hard choices day after day to live a life of purpose, purity, sacrifice, and selflessness.
by Enoch Liao
In Reverence and Awe is a comprehensive guide to the challenges and opportunities of worship leadership with a special focus on small-church settings. This book offers invaluable perspective, wisdom, and hands-on support that will encourage, inspire, and better prepare you to lead your church in honoring God through worship.
by Jeremy McGarity
Life is rarely a leisurely swim. If you are ready to get out of shark-infested waters and onto the solid rock of faith, Shark Weak will give you practical tools to change your thinking, your feeling, and your living so that you can enjoy the freedom and peace God has planned for you.
by Dr. William B. Coker Sr.
The Ten Commandments: the ultimate list of “thou shalt nots,” or an expression of divine love? These ten “words” are far from a historic code or a legal obligation. If you are ready to grow in God’s plan for you, delve into Words of Endearment: The Ten Commandments As a Revelation of God’s Love.
by Kenneth Harper
God has a plan for your dating relationships and guides you in the decisions and details that shape your love life. Read No More Dating in the Dark to learn how applying God’s Word to your dating life can make this a season of experiencing God’s blessing, leadership, and provision.
by Craig Tackett
Whether you are a veteran of vocational church ministry or a church member desiring to thrive in a biblically sound, Christ-centered church, Healthy Church will help you and your church community perform a spiritual self-diagnostic. Get ready to become a healthier church together!
by Todd Doxzon
Are you missing out on the full experience of a relationship with God? In Self-Feeders, Doxzon explains how a decision to read his Bible daily brought lasting change to his life—and how it can change yours, too.
by Brian Steele
Get ready to discover God’s life-changing kingdom in your life through tangible, memorable learning experiences. The Kingdom Field Guide ushers you into fulfillment and wholeness as God’s kingdom comes—in and through you.
by John Ramsey
If your finances are in a mess, if your credit cards are out of control, if you never seem to have quite enough, or if you are simply ready to see real change in your financial situation, this book offers you a starting place for your new mindset regarding money.
by Mackenzie Kambizi
If you are going through a time of uncertainty, change, and delay, Waiting Without Worrying will offer you the hope and direction you need as you watch God’s timing and plans unfold.
by A. Gilbert Ybarra
In Not of This World, Pastor Ybarra lays out fundamentals and principles that each and every believer should apply to their lives when they live as true disciples of Christ.
by Tisha Dixon-Williams
Read I See You, Sis to discover the lives of the women hiding in plain sight within the Bible—and be inspired to heroism in the story God has written specially for you!
by Anthony Ramsey
Drawing from his successful career and ministry, Pastor Ramsey shares practical, hard-earned life lessons. You are Limitless when you are walking in relationship with Him. Now is the moment to begin your victorious walk in faith—for God’s kingdom!
by Logan Wolf
Begin reading The Holy of Holies and accept its invitation to a deeper understanding of the heritage of our worship and the magnificence of our Savior!
by Nate Sweeney
The Abiding Disciple will brush away the cultural myths and carnal misconceptions surrounding the Christian life. Jesus offers you far more than conversion or religion—He is ready to give you a transforming, abiding, joy-filled relationship with Him.
by Aaron Dailey
If you are ready to stop trying to climb your way to God in your own efforts and to allow the Master Creator to shape you according to His perfect purpose and design, Create in Me will give you practical encouragement and draw you deeper into a loving, covenant relationship with Jesus Christ.
by Dr. Willie L. Bradley Jr.
The difference between a good life and a great life is intentionality. Make an exceptional choice today by diving into your copy of Frame Your Future—as you lay out your own plan to stop trying to be good and start being great in Christ!
by Bob Ingle
God calls us not only into community with other believers, but unity as well. With community comes great challenges, as we are all sinners. Church Undivided details God’s vision for unity in His church and Paul's guidance to create it within our own churches.
by Joseph Davis
Are you ready to listen to God and learn from Him? Are you ready to see lasting change and lifelong consistency in your Christian walk? Do you need grace in the face of your failures, temptations, and suffering? Then read Growing to Love God’s Word to find a powerful antidote for the prevailing darkness and despair of this world. Let God introduce you to the gift of His Word—the most incredible, transforming treasure you will ever encounter.
by Derrick L. McRae
Imagine leaving behind your familiar frustrations to take on the adventure of faith God has in store for you! Don’t hold onto your past, your sin, or your failure and miss the promised future God has for you. The Process will show you practical and powerful ways to move from superficial Christianity to a dynamic, life-changing relationship with the Lord!
by Thomas McCracken
In Being the Believing 2.0, Thomas McCracken unpacks the Beatitudes, from the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest preacher who ever lived, Jesus Christ. In doing so, he identifies the difference between doing good and being good—a difference that can change your life.
by Nathan Neighbour
Faith is the starting point, but a Godlike love is the final destination. As you explore the lessons of Enhanced: It’s Not Enough to Just Believe, you’ll discover how to follow this divine plan for a faith that actually creates confidence in what is hoped for—and carries you on your lifelong journey toward assurance in what you do not currently see.
by Bishop Anthony T. Pelt
Strongholds. Walls. Giants. Are you ready to do battle? If the Christian life is supposed to be filled with peace and joy, why do you have to fight so much? It turns out that your real enemy isn’t a person you know, or even the culture around you, but the spiritual realm of darkness—where the enemy craftily works to erect strongholds in your mind and send giants of temptation against your heart.
by Jason Hanash
If you are ready to find out what life God’s way is all about, read Better: God’s Plan > My Plan for a powerful, practical look at how you can live for something lasting and fulfilling.
by Chris Mitchell Jr.
Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, found it tempting to heed the enemy’s suggestions that ultimately distract and distance you from the loving heart of your Father God. Be encouraged with practical wisdom to start living in the power and contentment of your relationship with Christ.
by Darius Francis
The world is full of those who endlessly strive for more, and those who settle for the status quo. But God has another way - a life where He abundantly gives you His best. Find out how God is on your side - ready to lead you into a deeper walk and greater purpose!
by Mackenzie Kambizi
Have you ever thought: “I can never forgive them for what they did”? Radical Release will show you how to stop wasting your spiritual, emotional, and physical capital on poisonous grudges and pointless bitterness—and how to start living in the freedom, joy, and love of a forgiven and forgiving heart.
by Michael Carter
In this insightful and uplifting book, Michael Carter offers biblical wisdom to help you control of your thoughts so your thoughts no longer control you. Think on These Things helps develop the mind of Christ at the core of your thought life.
by Christopher Lewis
Fill your heart with hope, vision, and determination to see God work in what may seem like an impossible dream of restoration! Chris Lewis' walks you through some rich insights drawn from Nehemiah and personal experiences.
by Nate Sweeney
Move beyond church growth strategies to the greater call of a spiritually growing church, with Nate Sweeney's inspiring look at the joy and fruitfulness of a gospel-centered, disciple-making fellowship that lives and thrives in Christ.
by J. W. Jasper
You can keep spinning your wheels -- or you can let God transform your walk with Him. J. W. Jasper's Shifting into High Gear will help you to kick-start changes in your heart and your life as sluggish Christianity gives way to dynamic, Spirit-filled living!
by Craig D. Hayes
Time is too precious to waste it on anything less than God's plan for you. The Nehemiah Challenge will give you the tools and inspiration you need to build your life on God's truth -- and to leave a legacy for those who come after you to do the same.
by Nate Sweeney
No job, no family relationship, no personality type or nationality or accomplishment can offer you what Christ does: an abiding identity of righteousness in Him. Nate Sweeney takes us deeper still in this powerful study of the Christian identity.
by Monty C. Wright
Unlock the essential, life-changing truths in the Book of Revelation without getting entangled in misinterpretation and intimidation! Rev. Monty C. Wright takes us step by step through the Book of Revelation, digging out the intended meaning of the text by examining the historical and cultural contexts in which it was originally received as well as how it connects to other Scripture.
by Larry Mouton
Hearsay isn’t enough when it comes to the Savior of the world! This personable and practical book will offer you a renewed appreciation for your Lord and Savior—and for His distinct brand of love for every person!
by Joseph Davis
Pastor Joseph Davis takes Paul’s letter to his favorite church, the Philippians, and applies its teaching to modern-day believers. You will be challenged, humbled, and inspired by Paul’s love and dedication as you discover how to lead a life of supernatural grace.
by Michael Carter
Imagine experiencing the love of God so powerfully that it transforms your life and flows through you to help and heal others in your life. In this book, Michael Carter explores the life-changing effects of embracing God’s extravagant love for you.
by Tim May
In this book, Pastor Tim May draws from the deep well of Scripture to get back to the basics of how God expects you to act toward Him and toward your fellow human beings. You will gain renewed appreciation for what it truly means to commit to God as a follower of His Son and believer in His Word.
by John R Strubhar
God’s love has the power to reorient our whole life. By unpacking the nitty-gritty details of 1 Corinthians 13, Dr. John R. Strubhar longs to show Christians how godly love is the greatest gift to be experienced and shared with others.
by AJ Silva
Are you ready to be completely transformed into the image of Christ Himself? Prepare yourself to see other people through God’s eyes—and with the heart of Jesus!
by William Sturm
The Christian life is meant for more than comfort and the American dream. Join Pastor William J. Sturm, as he walks through 2 Corinthians, verse-by-verse, to demonstrate the triumphant power of the gospel in everyday life.
by Hermon Cotton
What if there truly were clear ways to know and understand God’s will, instead of living in fear that you’re missing His plan? Hermon Cotton searches out the Scriptures to discover what God has revealed to us about our will and how it is an image of His will.
by Aaron Kelly
Through personal and pastoral experiences with people of all ages, Pastor Aaron Kelly understands the insidious grip that fear and anxiety can have on our minds and spiritual lives. Drawing on scriptural illustrations, he offers four key steps that every person can implement to overcome fear and anxiety once and for all.
by Kolbe Hill
Imagine you were living the life you had always dreamed of—and suddenly it came crashing down around you. With unabashed honesty, firsthand insights, and a rewarding dose of humor, Pastor Kolbe Hill recounts his personal struggles with an unexpected and life-threatening tragedy.
by Dr. Lejoia I. VanHook, Ed.D
Operation Save Our Pastors provides you and your church with tools to build a healthy, sustainable pastor—congregation relationship based on understanding, empathy, and encouragement.
by Jerome Gay Jr.
Prepare to be inspired and rejuvenated by an ancient story of unlikely romance, whose timeless themes resonate through Scripture to provide hope for those who have experienced loss and disappointment.
by Jack Hilligoss
Learn to recognize Jesus for who He really is as you live out His purpose for your life!
by Hart Ramsey
It’s time to trust God enough to make your prayer life truly about Him. Discover real peace in a prayerful, faithful life that leaves God room to work powerfully in you!
by Major A Stewart
What if giving to God were not a painful duty but a joyful outpouring? Imagine if you could give and give but never run out!
by Jai Haulk
Become a stronger, more effective Christian for God’s Kingdom—starting today!
by Dan Herod
Begin reading Suffer Well today to experience a personal, candid look at how to find renewed purpose and hope in your most difficult days.
by David Rutherford
Read The G.I. Joe of Genesis and you will experience a powerful, personal look into what it means to be a hero—making the hard choices day after day to live a life of purpose, purity, sacrifice, and selflessness.
by Jack Hilligoss
Dive into a conversation about topics we would rather not discuss.
by Leon R. Gooden Jr.
The Holy Bible is filled with wisdom that will strengthen your character and deepen your walk with the Lord. Discover encouraging lessons and practical applications woven throughout the Word.
by Anthony Pelt
What did Jesus mean when He prayed that you would be one with Him and with other Christians? Discover the power of One to experience a life charged with purpose and united with Him and His people!
by Caleb Breakey
Have you ever felt adrift, or wondered how close to God you truly are? Here is the good news: a few simple yet crucial decisions in your life could fill you with faith and allow God to revitalize you spiritually with the power of His presence! Now is the moment to fulfill His desire for you by making four key decisions. Are you ready to jump feet first into absurd faith?
by Caleb Breakey
An honest look at the church, the problem with Millennials leaving, and the stark reality of why the church desperately needs them.
by Caleb Breakey
A new way of dating that's intentional, determined, and ascends to the kind of romance you so desire but seriously doubt possible.
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